Hi there! I’m Kayla, the budget nerd. 

Welcome to my budgeting how-to and money management blog! I’m a busy mom and wife and a total nerd when it comes to spreadsheets and numbers. My financial journey began several years ago, in my early twenties. Payday would hit, and I’d watch my hard-earned money disappear. My life was a revolving door of constant payments, spending too much, and saving too little. I didn’t have a clue how to manage money! 

Until one day, a friend introduced me to the concept of financial freedom. My mindset shifted, and I realized I didn’t even pay attention to dollar amounts, let alone the fact I never knew how much was in the bank. Because of this change, I started taking finances seriously, and because of my friend’s encouragement, I’ve been hooked ever since. 

I tackled my consumer debt first. I paid off all $9,000 of my student loans in six months. I felt accomplished, but looking back, that was only the beginning. I thought that phase of life had sailed, but years later I found myself in a similar situation when my husband incurred over $30,000 of student loan debt to pursue his bachelor’s degree.

I knew if I didn’t want to dig ourselves out of another hole; a much bigger hole, so I got to work. I couldn’t hesitate. I had to focus if I wanted to get these loans paid off. Lord willing, 18 months later, we paid off his degree! I can see an end in sight as he finishes up his master’s degree and I tackle those last remaining loans. This time, I feel a lot more confident in having a plan to do so.

What I’ve learned is that life takes many twists and turns. Between kids, houses, jobs, and moving, my own financial plan took so many detours. But with a little creativity, my pursuit did not change. I wanted freedom to use the money God’s given me to make an impact, not for just myself, but for Him.

My ultimate goal is to honor God financially, using biblical principles to guide my money decisions. Those years of struggling felt impossible in the moment, but now, looking back, those experiences taught me (and my husband) so much about perseverance, girt, and consistency. It will not always be an easy road to follow, but it’s definitely proven to be worth it.Hi

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